Athletes are not one dimensional, their readiness testing shouldn’t be either. Axioforce Launch Pads are the first portable 3D force plates designed to help athletes train to be explosive horizontally as well as vertically.
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Unlike many plates measuring force in one dimension, ours measure in three. This captures a full range of data on sport-specific movements, weightlifting, and more.
Most force plates are stationary or too heavy to move easily. Our plates weigh about half as much as the competition providing you with full Portable Functionality.
Other competitor lightweight plates often have only 5% of our load capacity. We offer a lighter weight and lower profile without sacrificing maximum capacity.
Custom plate sizing available. We can tailor plate specifications to optimize the goals and data needed for your athlete's performance.
Competitor force plates are shallow and serve one purpose. Our force plates handle multiple purposes, reducing the need for multiple sets costing $90K - $150K.
Our software tracks data across the entire athlete, like a baseball player's vertical jump, broad jump, power clean and jerk, throwing and hitting.
With hundreds of satisfied customers across over 50 countries, we stand at the forefront of force plate innovation and excellence.